Bolivia’s Top Oil & Gas Producer Slashes OPEX with AMECO’s Tailored Reclaimer Training


How AMECO’s Custom Training Helped Bolivia’s Leading Oil & Gas Company Cut Costs and Boost Production


Customer’s Problem

YPFB, Bolivia’s national state-owned petroleum company and the largest provider of natural gas, faced a critical challenge in scaling its operations. To meet its ambitious goal of increasing natural gas production, YPFB needed to enhance production throughput. However, a newly hired, untrained workforce posed a significant hurdle. To ensure that these new operators could efficiently operate AMECO equipment, installed in 2011, YPFB required a comprehensive and effective operator training program.


The AMECO Solution

AMECO, leveraging a decade of real-world operational data, provided YPFB with a tailored solution that addressed their unique challenges. Our reclaimers (PSx) are renowned for their extreme reliability and robustness and their operator-friendly controls. This dual advantage enabled YPFB to integrate new operators seamlessly into their production process, regardless of their prior experience with similar machinery.

To address YPFB’s specific needs, AMECO developed a customized training program that was both actionable and easy to digest. The program focused on equipping YPFB’s operational and maintenance personnel with the skills needed to maximize the efficiency and longevity of the equipment. Additionally, our comprehensive spare parts program ensured that YPFB always had the right components, minimizing downtime and reducing operational costs.



Due to implementing AMECO’s customized training and support programs, YPFB met and exceeded its production targets. They achieved a 12% reduction in operating expenses (OPEX), positioning themselves as a best-in-class AMECO maintenance champion in the LATAM region.

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Get in touch with us for your bulk handling equipment needs

Contact us


  • Oil & Gas


  • Urea

Capacity (Ton per Hour)

  • 1-350


  • Reclaiming
  •  - Stacking

Storage Configuration

  • Indoor
  •  - Longitudinal


  • Training


Product type

Dual-Boom Portal Reclaimer (PS2)

Loading rate

200 t/hour

Primary arm length

23.5 meters

Secondary arm length

19.5 meters


128 tons

